Blog Tips for Beginners

on Minggu, 16 Januari 2011

Since everyone wants a blog these days, I decided to create a section on 2 Create a Website just for blogging.

Make sure you watch the video below where I discuss the basic differences between a blog and website.

A lot of people choose the wrong option for their needs. So take the time to learn when either is appropriate.

How to Create a Blog
Want to learn the basics of setting up a blog? Can't decide between Blogger or WordPress? Read this!

My Review of The WordPress Thesis Theme
Thesis is becoming one of the most popular premium WordPress themes. Discover why everyone's using it and why I love it.

How to Manage and Promote Your Blog's RSS Feed With Feedburner
Tips and advice on how to use Feedburner to manage and promote your RSS feed.

How to Create RSS Feeds for Static Websites
You don't need a blog to publish and promote an RSS feed. You can also create one for your website.

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