Nissan March dikenal juga dengan sebutan Nissan Micra atau Nissan Verita. Dibawah ini adalah sejarah mengenai sejarah Nissan March dimulai sejak tahun 1982 dengan dua bahasa Iggris dan Indonesia untuk memudahkan anda memahami isi artikel tersebut.
Nissan Micra adalah sebuah mobil yang diproduksi oleh Nissan. Hal ini dikenal di Jepang dan Taiwan sebagai Nissan March. Mobil ini dibangun sejak tahun 1982 dan telah memiliki tiga generasi model yang berbeda.
K10 (1982-1992)
Micra yang asli, disebut juga K10, diperkenalkan pada bulan Oktober 1982 sebagai pesaing Honda City sangat sukses, ini dimaksudkan untuk menggantikan Cherry sebagai pesaing perusahaan dalam segmen supermini, sebagai model Cherry sendiri telah semakin menjadi lebih besar dengan setiap generasi berturut-turut . Itu diperkenalkan di pasar Eropa pada tahun 1983 dan di Kanada pada tahun 1984. Nissan perlahan-lahan mulai dialihkan nama ke Datsun, tulisan “Datsun” kecil muncul di bak truk untuk dua tahun pertama, dan di beberapa pasar Eropa, mobil ini dikenal sebagai “Datsun-Nissan Micra”. Micra awalnya tersedia dengan semua mesin yang sangat halus aluminium MA10S SOHC. Lencana Datsun telah menghilang sepenuhnya pada akhir 1984.
Model direvisi pada bulan Juni 1985, diidentifikasi oleh cluster lampu belakang sedikit lebih besar. Pasar Jepang melihat debut Turbo Maret pertama di mana Nissan dicangkokkan turbocharger untuk mesin 1.0 L kecil. Lain facelift Maret 1989, yang terdiri dari beberapa upgrade ringan seperti bumper lebih dalam, grill depan dan perubahan lampu, serta beberapa perubahan kecil untuk interior, juga melihat pengenalan sebuah karburator elektronik-dikontrol, MA12 lebih besar 1.2 L engine dengan 60 PS (44 kW/59 hp) dan versi hatchback 5-pintu.
Pada tahun 1988, Nissan meluncurkan 10.000 unit terbatas lari dari homologated Nissan March Superturbo (EK10GFR/GAR). Baik ini dan Superturbo Maret R (Yoh) Maret R (EK10FR) (lihat di bawah) menampilkan senyawa sekuensial yang sama sangat maju dibebankan (supercharger plus turbocharger) mesin dalam aluminium semua lurus-4 930 cc 8-katup 4 unit MA09ERT silinder yang diproduksi 110 JIS PS (81 kW/108 hp) pada 6400 rpm. Mobil ini datang dengan baik gearbox manual 3-speed otomatis atau 5-speed dengan slip differential kental terbatas, serta pilihan seperti cermin AC dan listrik. Nissan March Superturbo masih memegang mahkota untuk produksi tercepat dalam sejarah Nissan Micra, dengan angka kinerja pabrik 7,7 detik untuk pergi dari 0 hingga 100 km / detik h (62 mph) dan 15,5 untuk menjalankan seperempat mil.
Chassis ini Micra itu melahirkan sejumlah variasi. The-Be 1 (BK10), diluncurkan di Tokyo Motor Show pada tahun 1985 dan tidak dijual hingga tahun 1987, adalah model edisi terbatas dengan bodyshape lebih bulat, dan hanya 10.000 yang dijual.Pada tahun 1987 kanvas atasnya, hatchback retro mencari, Pao (パオ) (PK10) diluncurkan juga di Tokyo Motorshow dan dijual untuk umum pada 1989, dengan 51.657 model yang dijual. kanvas Sebuah puncak coupe, yang Figaro (フィガ) (FK10) ini diresmikan pada acara yang sama pada tahun 1989 dan tidak dirilis hingga tahun 1991. Sebagai 20.000 dibangun, permintaan untuk model ini adalah begitu besar sehingga Nissan menjual mobil dengan pementasan undian untuk memilih yang bisa menerima perintah untuk mobil. Dengan status kultus melekat padanya dan pemilik banyak selebriti, walaupun hanya model JDM, yang Figaro merupakan salah satu model yang paling abu-abu yang diimpor dari K10 cast-offs. K10 itu tetap dalam produksi sampai dengan tanggal 21 Desember 1992.
K11 (1992-2002)
Generasi kedua Micra K11 adalah salah satu model pertama yang dibangun di pabrik Nissan Sunderland. Saat itu diluncurkan di Jepang sebagai March (yang dibangun di Jepang) pada awal tahun 1992, dan dirilis di Eropa pada kuartal keempat tahun ini.Hal ini didukung oleh merek baru semua aluminium 1.0 L (CG10DE) dan 1.3 L (CG13DE) mesin DOHC 16 katup, dengan 55 PS DIN (40 kW/54 hp) dan 75 PS (55 kW/74 hp) masing-masing (output lebih tinggi dalam Jepang), baik dengan ECCS (Electronic Concentrated Control System) injeksi bahan bakar.Power steering merupakan pilihan pada beberapa model, dan daftar tetap termasuk fitur keamanan biasanya tidak tersedia di segmen pasar ini, seperti standar sabuk pengaman pre-tensioning-dengan pembatas beban dan balok pintu samping pada setiap pintu. rem anti penguncian Airbag,, jendela listrik, kunci sentral dan pendingin udara yang tersedia sebagai pilihan pada beberapa rentang Micra seperti yang berkembang dalam siklus hidupnya. Mobil segera memenangkan Mobil Eropa penghargaan untuk Tahun 1993 (mobil Jepang pertama untuk melakukannya) dan Good Design Award (a Perdagangan dan Industri Desain penghargaan di Jepang) bersama dengan Car of the Year Jepang pada tahun 1993. Hal ini akan spawn edisi Award V3.
Setelah perubahan kecil pada tahun 1996, pada tahun 1998, enam tahun setelah diluncurkan, Micra menerima facelift yang melihat seluruh jajaran mendapatkan power steering sebagai standar. Ini juga melihat pengenalan ke mesin 1,5 Peugeot-bersumber TUD5 L Diesel ke kisaran Eropa Barat.
Sebuah facelift terakhir datang pada tahun 2000 untuk K11, ketika 1,3 asli digantikan oleh unit 1,3 direvisi L (CGA3DE) yang dikenal sebagai 1.4 tetapi dengan perpindahan aktual 1348 cc, yang akan dihentikan pada akhir 2002 untuk model K12.
Di Taiwan, di mana mobil telah dijual sejak Februari 1995, March K11 masih dijual dengan versi yang sama sekali facelifted dan ditingkatkan disebut Super March. Memiliki instrumen cluster digital, LED cluster lampu belakang, indikator built-in ke cermin samping dan front end facelifted dengan lampu kristal modern.Juga dilengkapi dengan interior semi kulit dengan headrest belakang. Mobil masih mempertahankan mesin CG13DE asli.
The Micra Inggris-dibangun sebentar diekspor ke pasar Australia awal tahun 1995 dengan garis model tiga sampai, dasar 3-pintu LX, SLX 5-pintu dan 3-pintu Super S (yang hanya 303 yang pernah dijual di Australia dan permintaan premi besar dan kuat harga di atas model-model lain). kinerja Kelas terkemuka, chassis mengejutkan dinamis dengan suspensi baik diurutkan, interior lapang dan rata-rata di atas membangun kualitas adalah kekuatan Micra di dibandingkan dengan pesaingnya Korea yang seperti Excel Hyundai, Daewoo Cielo dan Ford festiva. Nilai tukar miskin antara Inggris dan Australia berarti harga Micra itu pembeli agak curam dan Australia melihat Korea lebih murah dan lebih supermini Jepang bersumber didirikan’s seperti Suzuki Swift dan Daihatsu Charade sebagai menawarkan nilai yang lebih baik untuk uang. Beberapa orang yang melakukan pembelian Micra dihargai dengan bertahun-tahun bebas pleasureable dan gangguan otomotif [rujukan?]. Micra dijatuhkan dari lineup Nissan Australia pada tahun 1997. Seperti Maret Jepang, keberhasilan Micra di Australia telah mencapai apa yang beberapa mungkin mempertimbangkan sebuah “kultus-mobil” status sebagai orang menjadi sadar akan kemampuannya diremehkan sebagai runabout biaya-efektif dan trek kompetitif / mobil rally.
Seperti K10 tersebut, K11 melahirkan banyak spin off yang semuanya hanya dijual di Jepang. Pada bulan April 1994, edisi Penghargaan V3 dirilis untuk memperingati tiga penghargaan mobil dimenangkan di tahun pertama produksi, didasarkan pada C # dengan spoiler atap berwarna. Itu datang dengan tachometer peringatan khusus dan stiker. Ada model facelifted khusus yang disebut retro Tango pada bulan Juni 1996, berdasarkan model F dan A #, dan Collet ini diresmikan pada bulan Oktober 1996 untuk merayakan ulang tahun 15 Maret di Jepang, dengan kunci sentral.Awalnya dijual selama lima bulan, ini menjadi model biasa segera setelah. Pada bulan Oktober 1997, model lain 5-pintu facelifted disebut bolero dibuat dengan tampilan, dengan lampu bulat dan kisi-kisi besar, menyerupai sedan Inggris klasik tahun 1960-an.The Juke (Desember 1997), Rumba (November 1998) dan Polka (Desember 2000) terus tema retro hidup, semuanya dengan sedikit variasi. Pada bulan April 2001, ada Muji edisi 1000, mobil itu dijual melalui situs web Muji. Mobil itu datang dengan kisi-kisi satu bagian eksklusif dan bemper dicat dan cermin sayap. Seperti mobil real Box, versi ini memiliki kursi lipat ganda. Mobil itu hanya tersedia dalam putih dan produksi terbatas 1000 unit. Pada saat yang sama, ada F Collet, model aniversary 20.
Ada mobil yang diperkenalkan pertama kali di Tokyo Motorshow pada tahun 1995, tapi tidak dijual hingga Agustus 1997, dengan puncak listrik. Ada juga versi warisan disebut Box (WK11), yang diresmikan pada bulan November 1999, dengan kursi belakang lipat ganda, bersama dengan model empat wheel drive transmisi otomatis.
Di Jepang, sebuah perusahaan khusus bernama Mitsuoka membuat penafsiran latterday tahun 1960-an Mark II Jaguar disebut Viewt. Diluncurkan pada tahun 1995, mobil ini dianggap sebagai model mewah dibandingkan dengan Maret lain / Micras sebagai pintu empat hanya dengan interior panel kayu sebagai standar dan interior kulit dan krom plating datang sebagai opsional.
K12 (2002-sekarang)
The K12, diresmikan pada akhir tahun 2002 dengan peningkatan 1,2 (CR12DE) dan 1,4 (CR14DE) mesin, baru-baru ini menelurkan model coupe convertible disebut C. C itu dirancang di studio yang berbasis di London baru Desain Nissan Eropa, dikembangkan di Nissan Technical Centre Eropa di Bedfordshire dan dibangun, seperti dengan predecesor nya, di pabrik Sunderland. Atap kaca lipat listrik dibuat oleh coachworks internasional Karmann terkenal dan memiliki tata letak tempat duduk 2 2. Mobil ini didukung oleh mesin 1.4 atau 1.6 L.
Di Jepang, seperti Toyota lakukan untuk bB Toyota / Scion xB, Nissan memiliki versi mereka sendiri yang disebut Cube (Z11), menggunakan platform B sama dengan K12, yang secara bersama-sama co-direkayasa dengan pemilik Renault.
Ada model kinerja disebut 160SR, pesaing langsung kepada MINI Cooper, Ford Fiesta Zetec-S dan Citroen C2 GT, dengan mesin 1,6 L HR16DE, memberikan 113 PS (83 kW/111 hp) dan uprated suspensi olahraga.
Autech, sebuah perusahaan milik Nissan, baru-baru ini meluncurkan model-model alternatif yang disebut bolero dan Rafeet. The bolero, seperti rekan K11 sebelumnya telah akhir retro depan biasa dan Rafeet memiliki pendekatan yang lebih modern, menyerupai Mini dalam proses, baik dengan interior kulit hitam atau putih, sedangkan bolero memiliki panel kayu klasik parsial dan tempat duduk eksklusif .
Sementara Nissan Eropa memiliki 160SR, di Jepang hanya 5-pintu Maret tersedia dengan 12SR dan versi 15SR-A, yang pertama dengan mesin 1,2 L disetel CR12DE memberikan 110 PS (81 kW/108 hp). Hal ini dilengkapi dengan knalpot HKS eksklusif dan memiliki set 15×6 roda pada 185/55R15 81V ban Bridgestone RE-01R.
Pada tahun 2003, Nissan Inggris, terinspirasi oleh Andros Trophee K11, meluncurkan Micra-R, satu off K12 pertengahan bermesin.Tampil di Geneva Motor Show tanpa running gear dan mesin, karena hanya mobil tampilan, itu kemudian diberi lampu hijau dan Nissan ditugaskan Ray Mallock Ltd untuk menyisipkan pertengahan mount BTCC-berasal Primera QG20DE mesin untuk tujuan demonstrasi pertunjukan dan tekan. Pada tahun 2005, Nissan Inggris memutuskan untuk mengganti mesin Primera dengan VG35DE dari 350Z dengan gearbox SE-R diubah Altima untuk pengguna-keramahan di jalan. Model ini dibaptis 350SR, meskipun tidak ditawarkan untuk dijual. modifikasi lain untuk mobil ini termasuk lengkungan belakang vented dan satu set roda Sinar Teknik. Sampai saat ini, mereka tidak memiliki rencana untuk menempatkan model ini ke dalam produksi.
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Nissan Micra
The Nissan Micra is an automobile produced by Nissan. It is known in Japan,Taiwan,Thailand and Indonesia as the Nissan March. It is built since 1982 and has had three distinct model generations.
K10 (1982-1992)
The original Micra, framename K10, was introduced in October 1982 as a competitor to the highly successful Honda City, was intended to replace the Cherry as the company’s competitor in the supermini segment, as the Cherry model itself had progressively become larger with each successive generation. It was introduced in the European market in 1983 and in Canada in 1984. Although Nissan were slowly phasing out the Datsun name, a small “Datsun” appeared on the tailgate for the first two years, and in some European markets, the car was known as the “Datsun-Nissan Micra”. The Micra was initially available with an extremely refined all aluminium MA10S SOHC engine. The Datsun badges had disappeared completely by the end of 1984.
The model was revised in June 1985, identifiable by the slightly larger rear lamp clusters. The Japanese market saw the debut of the first March Turbo where Nissan grafted a turbocharger to the small 1.0 L engine. Another facelift in March 1989, which consisted of some minor upgrades such as deeper bumpers, front grill and headlight changes, as well some small changes to the interior, it also saw the introduction of an electronically-controlled carburetor, the larger MA12 1.2 L engine with 60 PS (44 kW/59 hp) and a 5-door hatchback version.
The model was revised in June 1985, identifiable by the slightly larger rear lamp clusters. The Japanese market saw the debut of the first March Turbo where Nissan grafted a turbocharger to the small 1.0 L engine. Another facelift in March 1989, which consisted of some minor upgrades such as deeper bumpers, front grill and headlight changes, as well some small changes to the interior, it also saw the introduction of an electronically-controlled carburetor, the larger MA12 1.2 L engine with 60 PS (44 kW/59 hp) and a 5-door hatchback version.
In 1988, Nissan launched a limited 10,000 unit run of their homologated Nissan March Superturbo (EK10GFR/GAR). Both this and the March Superturbo R(jn)March R (EK10FR) (see below) featured the same highly advanced sequential compound charged (supercharger plus turbocharger) engine in an all aluminium straight-4 930 cc 8-valve 4 cylinder MA09ERT unit that produced 110 PS JIS (81 kW/108 hp) at 6400 rpm. This car came with either a 3-speed automatic or 5-speed manual gearbox with viscous limited slip differential, as well as options such as air conditioned and electric mirrors. The March Superturbo still holds the crown for the fastest production Micra in Nissan’s history, with factory performance figures of 7.7 seconds to go from 0 to 100 km/h (62 mph) and 15.5 seconds to run a quarter mile.
The Micra’s chassis spawned a number of variations. The Be-1 (BK10), launched at the Tokyo Motor Show in 1985 and not sold until 1987, was a limited edition model with a more rounded bodyshape, and only 10,000 were sold. In 1987 the canvas topped, retro looking hatchback, Pao (パオ) (PK10) was launched also at the Tokyo Motorshow and sold to the public in 1989, with 51,657 models sold. A canvas topped coupe, the Figaro (フィガ�) (FK10) was unveiled at the same show in 1989 and not released until 1991. As 20,000 were built, demand for this model was so huge that Nissan sold the car by staging a lottery to pick who could take orders for the car. With a cult status attached to it and numerous celebrity owners, despite being a JDM only model, the Figaro is one of the most grey imported models of the K10 cast-offs. The K10 remained in production until December 21, 1992.
The Micra’s chassis spawned a number of variations. The Be-1 (BK10), launched at the Tokyo Motor Show in 1985 and not sold until 1987, was a limited edition model with a more rounded bodyshape, and only 10,000 were sold. In 1987 the canvas topped, retro looking hatchback, Pao (パオ) (PK10) was launched also at the Tokyo Motorshow and sold to the public in 1989, with 51,657 models sold. A canvas topped coupe, the Figaro (フィガ�) (FK10) was unveiled at the same show in 1989 and not released until 1991. As 20,000 were built, demand for this model was so huge that Nissan sold the car by staging a lottery to pick who could take orders for the car. With a cult status attached to it and numerous celebrity owners, despite being a JDM only model, the Figaro is one of the most grey imported models of the K10 cast-offs. The K10 remained in production until December 21, 1992.
K11 (1992-2002)
The second-generation K11 Micra was one of the first models built in Nissan’s Sunderland plant. It was launched in Japan as a March (which were built in Japan) in early 1992, and released in Europe in the fourth quarter of the year. It was powered by brand new all aluminium 1.0 L (CG10DE) and 1.3 L (CG13DE) DOHC 16 valve engines, with 55 PS DIN (40 kW/54 hp) and 75 PS (55 kW/74 hp) respectively (higher outputs in Japan), both with ECCS (Electronic Concentrated Control System) fuel injection. Power steering was an option on some models, and the equipment list included security features not usually available in this market segment, such as standard pre-tensioning seat-belts with load limiters and a side door beam on each door. Airbags, antilock brakes, electric windows, central locking and air conditioning were available as options on some of the Micra range as it developed in its life cycle. The car soon won the European Car of the Year award for 1993 (the first Japanese car to do so) and the Good Design Award (a Trade and Industry Design award in Japan) along with the Car of the Year Japan award in 1993. This would spawn the V3 Award edition.
After minor changes in 1996, in 1998, six years after its launch, the Micra received a facelift which saw the whole range get power steering as standard. This also saw the introduction to the Peugeot-sourced 1.5 L TUD5 Diesel engine into the Western European range.
A final facelift came in 2000 for the K11, when the original 1.3 was replaced by a revised 1.3 L unit (CGA3DE) known as 1.4 but with an actual displacement of 1348 cc, which would be discontinued in late 2002 for the K12 model.
In Taiwan, where the car has been sold since February 1995, the K11 March is still sold with an entirely facelifted and improved version called the Super March. It has a digital instrument cluster, LED rear light clusters, indicators built-in to the side mirrors and a facelifted front end with modern crystal headlights. Also comes with a semi leather interior with a rear headrest. The car still retains the original CG13DE engine.
The UK-built Micra was briefly exported to the Australian market beginning in 1995 with a three model line up, base 3-door LX, 5-door SLX and 3-door Super S (of which only 303 were ever sold in Australia and demand a hefty price premium over the other models). Class leading performance, a surprisingly dynamic chassis with well sorted suspension, roomy interior and above average build quality were the Micra’s strengths in comparision to its Korean competitors like the Hyundai Excel, Daewoo Cielo and Ford Festiva. A poor exchange rate between the UK and Australia meant the Micra’s pricing was rather steep and Australian buyers saw the cheaper Koreans and more established Japanese-sourced supermini’s such as the Suzuki Swift and Daihatsu Charade as offering better value for money. The few who did purchase the Micra were rewarded with many pleasureable and trouble free years of motoring [citation needed]. The Micra was dropped from Nissan Australia’s lineup in 1997. Like the Japanese March, the Micra’s success in Australia has reached what some may consider a “cult-car” status as people become aware of its underestimated capabilities as a cost-effective runabout and a competitive track/rally car.
Like the K10, the K11 spawned a numerous spin offs which were all sold only in Japan. In April 1994, the V3 Award edition was released to commemorate the three awards the car won in the first year of production, based on the C# with a colored roof spoiler. It came with a special commemorative tachometer and sticker. There was a specially retro facelifted model called Tango in June 1996, based on the F and A# model, and the Collet was unveiled in October 1996 to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the March in Japan, with central locking. Initially sold for five months, this became a regular model soon after. In October 1997, another facelifted 5-door model called the Bolero made its appearance, with a round headlight and a large grille, resembling a classic British saloon of the 1960s. The Juke (December 1997) , Rumba (November 1998) and Polka (December 2000) kept the retro theme alive, all of them with slight variations. In April 2001, there was a Muji 1000 edition, the car was sold through the Muji website. The car came with an exclusive one piece grille and unpainted bumpers and wing mirrors. Like the Box estate car, this version had a double folding seat. The car was only available in white and production was limited to 1000 units. At the same time, there was a Collet F, an 20th aniversary model.
There was a cabriolet unveiled first at the Tokyo Motorshow in 1995, but it was not sold until August 1997, with an electric top. There was also an estate version called Box (WK11), which was unveiled on November 1999, with a double folding rear seat, along with the automatic transmission four wheel drive model.
In Japan, a speciality company called Mitsuoka made a latterday interpretation of the 1960s Mark II Jaguar called the Viewt. Launched in 1995, this car is regarded as a luxury model compared with the other March/Micras as a four door only with wooden interior panelling as standard and leather interior and chrome plating coming as optional.
After minor changes in 1996, in 1998, six years after its launch, the Micra received a facelift which saw the whole range get power steering as standard. This also saw the introduction to the Peugeot-sourced 1.5 L TUD5 Diesel engine into the Western European range.
A final facelift came in 2000 for the K11, when the original 1.3 was replaced by a revised 1.3 L unit (CGA3DE) known as 1.4 but with an actual displacement of 1348 cc, which would be discontinued in late 2002 for the K12 model.
In Taiwan, where the car has been sold since February 1995, the K11 March is still sold with an entirely facelifted and improved version called the Super March. It has a digital instrument cluster, LED rear light clusters, indicators built-in to the side mirrors and a facelifted front end with modern crystal headlights. Also comes with a semi leather interior with a rear headrest. The car still retains the original CG13DE engine.
The UK-built Micra was briefly exported to the Australian market beginning in 1995 with a three model line up, base 3-door LX, 5-door SLX and 3-door Super S (of which only 303 were ever sold in Australia and demand a hefty price premium over the other models). Class leading performance, a surprisingly dynamic chassis with well sorted suspension, roomy interior and above average build quality were the Micra’s strengths in comparision to its Korean competitors like the Hyundai Excel, Daewoo Cielo and Ford Festiva. A poor exchange rate between the UK and Australia meant the Micra’s pricing was rather steep and Australian buyers saw the cheaper Koreans and more established Japanese-sourced supermini’s such as the Suzuki Swift and Daihatsu Charade as offering better value for money. The few who did purchase the Micra were rewarded with many pleasureable and trouble free years of motoring [citation needed]. The Micra was dropped from Nissan Australia’s lineup in 1997. Like the Japanese March, the Micra’s success in Australia has reached what some may consider a “cult-car” status as people become aware of its underestimated capabilities as a cost-effective runabout and a competitive track/rally car.
Like the K10, the K11 spawned a numerous spin offs which were all sold only in Japan. In April 1994, the V3 Award edition was released to commemorate the three awards the car won in the first year of production, based on the C# with a colored roof spoiler. It came with a special commemorative tachometer and sticker. There was a specially retro facelifted model called Tango in June 1996, based on the F and A# model, and the Collet was unveiled in October 1996 to celebrate the 15th anniversary of the March in Japan, with central locking. Initially sold for five months, this became a regular model soon after. In October 1997, another facelifted 5-door model called the Bolero made its appearance, with a round headlight and a large grille, resembling a classic British saloon of the 1960s. The Juke (December 1997) , Rumba (November 1998) and Polka (December 2000) kept the retro theme alive, all of them with slight variations. In April 2001, there was a Muji 1000 edition, the car was sold through the Muji website. The car came with an exclusive one piece grille and unpainted bumpers and wing mirrors. Like the Box estate car, this version had a double folding seat. The car was only available in white and production was limited to 1000 units. At the same time, there was a Collet F, an 20th aniversary model.
There was a cabriolet unveiled first at the Tokyo Motorshow in 1995, but it was not sold until August 1997, with an electric top. There was also an estate version called Box (WK11), which was unveiled on November 1999, with a double folding rear seat, along with the automatic transmission four wheel drive model.
In Japan, a speciality company called Mitsuoka made a latterday interpretation of the 1960s Mark II Jaguar called the Viewt. Launched in 1995, this car is regarded as a luxury model compared with the other March/Micras as a four door only with wooden interior panelling as standard and leather interior and chrome plating coming as optional.
K12 (2002-present)
The K12, unveiled in late 2002 with an improved 1.2 (CR12DE) and 1.4 (CR14DE) engine, recently spawned the coupe convertible model called the C C. It was designed at the new London-based Nissan Design Europe studio, developed at the Nissan Technical Centre Europe in Bedfordshire and built, as with its predecesor, at the Sunderland plant. The electric folding glass roof is made by the internationally renowned coachworks Karmann and has a 2 2 seating layout. The car is powered by an 1.4 or 1.6 L engine.
In Japan, as Toyota did for the Toyota bB/Scion xB, Nissan had their own version called the Cube (Z11), using the same B platform as the K12, whom is jointly co-engineered with owner Renault.
There is a performance model called the 160SR, a direct competitor to the MINI Cooper, Ford Fiesta Zetec-S and the Citroën C2 GT, with a 1.6 L HR16DE engine, giving 113 PS (83 kW/111 hp) and uprated sports suspension.
Autech, a Nissan owned company, recently unveiled alternative models called the Bolero and the Rafeet. The Bolero, like previous K11 counterpart has the usual retro front end and the Rafeet has a more modern approach, resembling a Mini in the process, with either a black or white leather interior, whereas the Bolero has a classic partial wood panelling and exclusive seating.
While Nissan Europe has the 160SR, in Japan the 5-door only March is available with the 12SR and 15SR-A versions, the first one with a tuned 1.2 L CR12DE engine giving 110 PS (81 kW/108 hp). It is equipped with an exclusive HKS exhaust and has a set of 15×6 wheels on a 185/55R15 81V Bridgestone RE-01R tyres.
In 2003, Nissan UK, inspired by the Trophee Andros K11, unveiled the Micra-R, a one off mid-engined K12. Shown at the Geneva Motor Show without running gear and engine, being only a display car, it was later given the go-ahead and Nissan commissioned Ray Mallock Ltd to insert a mid mounted BTCC-derived Primera QG20DE engine for show and press demonstration purposes. In 2005, Nissan UK decided to replace the Primera engine with a VG35DE from a 350Z with a modified Altima SE-R gearbox for user-friendliness on the road. This model was baptized 350SR, although it was not offered for sale. Other modifications to this car include a vented rear arch and a set of Rays Engineering wheels. To date, they have no plans to put this model into production.
In Japan, as Toyota did for the Toyota bB/Scion xB, Nissan had their own version called the Cube (Z11), using the same B platform as the K12, whom is jointly co-engineered with owner Renault.
There is a performance model called the 160SR, a direct competitor to the MINI Cooper, Ford Fiesta Zetec-S and the Citroën C2 GT, with a 1.6 L HR16DE engine, giving 113 PS (83 kW/111 hp) and uprated sports suspension.
Autech, a Nissan owned company, recently unveiled alternative models called the Bolero and the Rafeet. The Bolero, like previous K11 counterpart has the usual retro front end and the Rafeet has a more modern approach, resembling a Mini in the process, with either a black or white leather interior, whereas the Bolero has a classic partial wood panelling and exclusive seating.
While Nissan Europe has the 160SR, in Japan the 5-door only March is available with the 12SR and 15SR-A versions, the first one with a tuned 1.2 L CR12DE engine giving 110 PS (81 kW/108 hp). It is equipped with an exclusive HKS exhaust and has a set of 15×6 wheels on a 185/55R15 81V Bridgestone RE-01R tyres.
In 2003, Nissan UK, inspired by the Trophee Andros K11, unveiled the Micra-R, a one off mid-engined K12. Shown at the Geneva Motor Show without running gear and engine, being only a display car, it was later given the go-ahead and Nissan commissioned Ray Mallock Ltd to insert a mid mounted BTCC-derived Primera QG20DE engine for show and press demonstration purposes. In 2005, Nissan UK decided to replace the Primera engine with a VG35DE from a 350Z with a modified Altima SE-R gearbox for user-friendliness on the road. This model was baptized 350SR, although it was not offered for sale. Other modifications to this car include a vented rear arch and a set of Rays Engineering wheels. To date, they have no plans to put this model into production.
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